- "The Globalization of Poverty" by Prof. Michael Chossudovsky. 1997. Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms. Third World Network. ISBN:983-9794-23-1, 280 pages, US $15.00. (Reviewed on Martin Kohr's Third World Network Website)
- "When Corporations Rule the World" by David Korton. A co-publication of Kumarian Press, Inc. West Hartford, Connecticut, and Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco. 374 pp. ISBN 1-887208-01-1. CAN$28.95. See David Korton's People Centred Development Forum Website
- "MAI: The Threat to Canadian Sovereignty" by Clarke Tony and Maude Barlow. 1997. Canada: Stoddard.
- "DISMANTLING DEMOCRACY: The Multilateral Agreement on Investment and its Impact." Edited by Andrew Jackson and Matthew Sanger. 1998. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Publication. 346 pages / $19.95 CDN. ISBN: 1-55028-614-5
- "Globalization and the Decline of Social Reform" by Gary Teeple. Copyright 1995. Garamond Press. A short lucid cutting analysis of globalization and it's devastating effects.
- "What is In a Rim: Critical Perspectives on the Pacific Region Idea." Edited by Arif Dirlik. Copyright 1993. Westview Press Inc. A collection of critical essays on the "Pacific Rim".
- "The Case Against the Global Economy and For a Turn Toward The Local." Edited by Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith. Copyright 1996. Sierra Club Books ISBN: 0871568659. An excellent compilation of 42 essays by Ralph Nader, Vandanna Shiva, William Greider, Maude Barlow and others.
- "One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism" by William Greider. Copyright 1997. Simon and Schuster. A fascinating tour of various corporations and countries. Gets underneath the globalization hype down to the nuts and bolts of their operations to help show what globalization is really about.
- "The Corporate Planet : Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization" by Joseph Karliner. 1997 Sierra Club Books.
- "The Cult of Impotence: Selling The Myth of Powerlessness In The Global Economy" by Linda McQuaig. 1998. Canada: Penguin Group. ISBN 0-670-87278-4.
- "The Case Against Free Trade : Gatt, Nafta and the Globalization of Corporate Power." Ralph Nader (Editor). 1993. An Earth Island Press Book.
- "The Global Trap: Globalization and the Assault on Prosperity and Democracy. Hans-Peter Martin, et al. 1997. This book explores the spread of globalization and the likely consequences for jobs and democracy and forsees a technological future in which only one fifth of the world's current work force will be needed. (Chapter One: The 20:80 Society is on-line here.)
- "Copyrighting Culture: the Political Economy of Intellectual Property". By Ronald V. Bettig. Copyright 1996. Westview Press. An analysis of the development of intellectual property rights (IPRs), their implementation and implications.
- "The Evil Empire: Globalization's Darker Side," by Pul Hellyer. Copyright 1997. ISBN 0-9694394-5-8 Chimo Media Limited 99 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 302, Toronto, ON M6K 3J8 Canada (403) 535-7611
- "Sex in the Snow: Canadian Values at the End of the Millennium." By Adams, Michael. 1996. Toronto: Viking Penguin (See Penguin Canada's website)
- "Exploring Canadian Values - Synthesis Report" By Suzanne Peters. 1995. Ottawa: Canadian Policy Research Networks.
- "The Decline of Deference: Canadian Value Change in Cross-National Perspective." By Neil Nevitte. 1996. Broadview Press.
- "At the cutting edge. The crisis in Canada's forests" by Elizabeth May. Key Porter Books, Toronto. 294 pp. ISBN 1-55013-832-4. Paperback. CAN$24.95. Documents the extent to which transnational and domestic forest corporations, often in collaboration with governments, have brought Canada to a state of wood shortage.
- Multilateral Agreement on Investment, full text of the January 1997 Draft
- Important changes in the May 1997 Draft
- The May 1997 Draft (under construction)
- May 1997 Consolidation of Draft Working Texts and Canada's Current Draft MAI Reservations for download in PDF format
- Codification des textes de travail préliminaires, mai 1997 et Réserves préliminaires du Canada au regard des obligations de l'AMI
- The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: The MAI Negotiating Text (as of 14 February 1998) for download in PDF format from the OECD website
- The GATT Text - Sections at CIESIN relevant to environment, and link to complete text
- The NAFTA Text
- The Multilateral Agreement On Investment -- A Preliminary, Critical Analysis, Canadian Labour Congress
- Accord Multilatéral Sur L’investissement -- Analyse Critique Préliminaire, Congrès du travail du Canada
- Analysis by the Western Governors Association: - Multilateral Agreement on Investment: Potential Effects on State & Local Government
- Oxfam UK and Ireland Briefing Paper on the MAI
- PARLIAMENTARY REPORT: Report of the Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- A critical analysis of the proposed investment treaty in WTO (the MIA, a precursor to the MAI) by Bhagirath Lal Das, Third World Network
- MAI listserv - To receive reports, updates and articles on the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI), subscribe to the MAI listserv. Write to: listproc@essential.org. In the BODY of your message type: subscribe MAI-NOT your name organization state (eg: subscribe MAI-NOT Chantell Taylor Public Citizen DC).
- MAI listserv, Ottawa - To receive "MAI-NOT" articles by e-mail (from FLORA, Ottawa), send a message to majordomo@flora.org. Leave the SUBJECT field empty, remove any auto-signatures or other added text, and in the BODY field put these words:
subscribe mai-not (...you receive a copy of each posting to the group via email); or:
subscribe mai-not-digest (...you receive approximately daily a digest of messages); or:
subscribe mai-not-nomail (...just allows you to post. You will not receive postings from the group. Intended for people who will participate through the Web or Newsgroup forms of this group.)- GERMAN MAI-NOT! MAILINGLIST - for more information and to subscribe this List, please mail to: Andreas Rockstein
- Recommended: Ontario PIRG's MAI-Not Project - The MAI-Not Discussion Group: An interactive campaign site with links to an e-mail listserv, newsgroup, and searchable message archive
- Recommended: Globalization and the MAI Information Centre - An extensive collection of articles and resources
- Recommended: The Canadian Polaris Institute. A collection of high-quality articles on the MAI such as Tony Clarke's MAI-DAY article and information on the Ethyl case
- Recommended: MAI? No thanks...! - An extensive and up-to-date collection of articles and links to both sides, by Hendrik Zimmermann
- Recommended: Appleton & Associate International Lawyers MAI HomePage
- Boston Area MAI Action Groups
- Citizens' Circle for Accountability: on the accountability of elected representatives, by Henry McCandless
- Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA) - A paper commissioned by the CCA, by Garry Neil on the effect of the MAI on the cultural sector
- Canadian Citizens Against Free Trade - Article by David Orchard: Son of NAFTA: the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
- The Sierra Club: MAI Documents Online
- CBC "the National": Website on Free Trade and MAI
- Preamble Collaborative's Home Page on MAI
- Information Habitat
- Take action on ... the MAI by the World Development Movement
- M.A.I. Analysis Paper by Third World First
- Federal Page at Harrisville - "Canada's largest political action page." Includes guest columns: there isn't any payment, but people who want to submit can e-mail their text
- New York Solidarity - This site has a great deal of basic info on the MAI. Very nice for those just learning about the agreement.
- Green Perspective on the MAI - Beyond Globalization: The Struggle to Redefine Wealth, by Brian Milani (1998)
- An Interactive Public Information Campaign site hosted by the National Centre for Sustainability [Victoria, Canada]
- Friends of the Earth - U.S. Information on MAI and the potential environmental impacts.
- The RISC (Reading International Solidarity Centre) in the UK
- United States Council on International Business - a letter defending the MAI. Deals primarily with environmental issues.
- anti MAI action page
- The United States Trade Representative's office Official negotiators of the MAI for the U.S. government.
- The United States Department of State Official negotiators of the MAI for the U.S. government.
- ACTU Web Site - MAI Guide to Affiliates
- A new web campaign to stop the MAI - Offers the opportunity to petition parliament and subscribe to a local mail-list (AUSTRALIA)
- (Australian) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Bill
- The Australian Democrats - Explains Democrats position (primarily anti in existing form) and offers opportunity to petition parliament for openness, human rights and labour provisions, etc.
- MAI, What Happened To Our Sovereignty? (NEW ZEALAND)
- NZ Alliance Party MAI Page
- Survey of NZ MPs & Local Councillors
- NZ articles and links to other sites
- David Wardley's Page
- Grey Power NZ Page
- Dunedin Methodist Church JPIC
- Patrick Dunford's Pages
- BC MAI Information Web (private citizens site)
- Keinen Freibrief fuer Multis ! Germanwatch und WEED starten Kampagne zum Multilateralen Investitionsabkommen (MAI)
- ReferentInnenrat der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (REFRAT DER HUB) - Multilaterales Abkommen über Investitionen
- A briefing by Corporate Europe Observatory: MAIGALOMANIA. Citizens and the Environment Sacrificed to Corporate Investment - Agenda February 1998
- Joint NGO Statement on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
- In Sweden
- Russ Mitchell's Page
- Green Party of Canada/Parti Vert du Canada - MAI-related News Releases
- EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media) - OPINION (Rule 147) for the Committee on External Economic Relations on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment
- New Democratic Party of Canada/Nouveau Parti démocratique du Canada - Why New Democrats oppose MAI as currently drafted
- Progressive Democratic Alliance - 04-15-97: MAI SHOULD CONCERN US ALL, by Gordon Wilson
- Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada
- MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT ON INVESTMENT (MAI) - Position of Canadian Government
- Recommended: PARLIAMENTARY REPORT: Report of the Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Recommended: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- The Multilateral Agreement on Investment - Intro
- Progress report by the MAI Negotiating Group (May 1996)
- Progress report by the MAI Negotiating Group (May 1997)
- Policy Brief on the MAI
- High-Level Meeting of the MAI, 16-17 February 1998; Chairmans' Conclusions
- OECD News and Events Homepage
- OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises
- The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and environment and labour issues
- The Scope of the MAI
- Performance requirements and investment incentives
- Exceptions, derogations and national reservations
- Special topics: (Key Personnel, Performance requirements, Investment incentives, Privatisation, Monopolies and state enterprises)
- Ambassador Marino Baldi (Switzerland): Dispute settlement
- Mr Blair Hankey (Canada): Dispute settlement (Abstract)
- Recommended: The Earth Council is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that was created in September 1992 to promote and advance the implementation of the Earth Summit agreements. Includes:
- Ecological Footprints of Nations - How Much Nature Do They Use? -- How Much Nature Do They Have?
- The Earth Network for Sustainable Development
- Earth Network Mailing List
- Ombudsman Project
- National Councils
- Earth Charter
- The Rio+5 Consultation
- Web servers available on the Internet that provide information on specific topics of sustainable development [extensive collection of valuable links]
- Recommended: The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is an ongoing project designed to make available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments
- Recommended: Third World Network
- Recommended: Corporate Watch - a new web site dedicated to helping build greater democratic control over transnational corporations at the local, national and international levels. Affiliated with The Environmental Research Foundation, The Multinationals Resource Center, and The Public Information Network
- Recommended: Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch (GTW is one of the organisations formed by Ralph Nader)
- Recommended: The Sierra Club's Common Front on the WTO
- Peace and Environment Resource Center (PERC)
- Swiss Coalition of Development Organizations
- David Korton's People Centred Development Forum Website
- Canadian Environmental Law Association - Website on Trade and Environment
- Government of Canada Primary Internet Site
- World Development Movement (WDM) - "Britain's leading campaigning organisation winning changes that benefit the world's poor"
- third world first - UK Students campaigning for people and planet
- Essential Information, Inc., Multinational Monitor
- Ending Corporate Governance - Information about events and news pertaining to ending corporate governance
- Online Seminars in Sustainable Economics hosted by Communications for a Sustainable Future (CSF)
- The Global Trade and Environment site
- Public Information Network - Research and technical assistance to communities working to hold corporations and governments accountable and building socially just and ecologically sustainable societies.
- The 1997 People's Summit on APEC
- The Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC) - The Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC) is a private non-profit research and analysis policy institute which produces books, policy reports, and periodicals on U.S. foreign policy and borderlands issues. U.S.
- ANPED, The Northern Alliance for Sustainability [The Netherlands]
- Citizen's for Public Justice
- Attac, Action for a Tobin Tax for Aid to Citizens
- Swiss Coalition
- Economic Reform Australia [ERA] - An excellent selection of papers on alternatives to a global economy
- Japan Environment Monitor [JEM]
- Finance Canada: WTO Agreement on Financial Services
- Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada
- Preamble Collaborative
- Council of Canadians
- Recommended: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (with Articles From The CCPA Monitor)
- Citizens Concerned About Free Trade
- Friends of the Earth - US
- Friends of the Earth - INTERNATIONAL
- Oxfam UK and Ireland
- Earth Island Institute
- Defenders of Wildlife
- The Institute for Economic Democracy
- Peoples Global Action
- Canadians for Proportional Representation, one of many groups looking at various forms of Electoral Reform.
- Canadian Council for Social Development (good links page)
- The Canadian Labour Congress
- Canadian Auto Workers
- CIESIN: Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
- The United Nations Capital Development Fund / Fonds de Equipement des Nations Unies
- International Monetary Fund - Has information about the IMF, publications, and selected items (eg Annual Report) in full text
- United States Council for International Business
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Overseas Development Council
- The World Trade Organization Homepage
- Green Parties of North America
- Green Party of Canada/Parti Vert du Canada
- Natural Law Party of Canada
- New Democratic Party of Canada/Nouveau Parti démocratique du Canada
- Progressive Democratic Alliance
- PC Party of Canada
- Reform Party of Canada
- Global Web Builders in Australia
- The Australian Democrats
- NZ Alliance Party
- Le MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE [English] - Le Monde diplomatique's articles in English are available only to paid subscribers. Please support our translation efforts by subscribing. The yearly subscription fee is USD 24 (Institutions USD 48), for 12 issues.
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post
- The WASHINGTON TIMES - Excellent links page
- The Village Voice
- The GUARDIAN - Front Page
- The GUARDIAN - Searchable archive
- The Christian Science Monitor
- The Ottawa Citizen
- The Toronto Star
- The Montreal Gazette
- Progressive Links at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- STAT-USA - formerly called the National Trade Data Bank. Includes: lists of US chambers of commerce; statistics on US manufacture's trade performance and of foreign trade (eg exports/imports by individual country); non-USA employment trends; texts of GATT and NAFTA. Registration needed - there is a fee
- Government Information Xchange (GIX) - Provides links to federal directory, yellow pages, state and local government, foreign government, international organizations, etc. It is a searchable site.
- Congressional Hotlist - Government Directories (U.S.)
- U.S. House of Representatives
- US Business advisor - Provides links to various USA agencies which offer help to, or regulate, business
- Canadian consitutional documents since 1867
- Canadian Government Overview: Frequently Requested Acts
- The World Resources Institute - an independent center for policy research and technical assistance on global environmental and development issues
- Internet Sources for Journalists and Broadcasters
- Reference Shelf - General reference materials