If you would like to write a letter to the editor of your favourite newspaper, the List of Media provided below contains the FAX numbers, mail, or e-mail addresses of most of the newspapers in North America.
To write to your Representative in Congress (U.S.), first find the name of your representative in the List by State and District, then look up the address in the List of Mailing Addresses of the Members of the House of Representatives. A list of Committees is also provided.
To write your Member of Parliament (CANADA), find the Member's name in the listing by Province and Constituency. The Member's constituency address can be found by calling Government of Canada Information at 1 800 667 3355. Or, address mail to the Member at: House of Commons, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa ON, K1A 0A6. A list of Ministers is also provided.
- Media: A list of media in Canada and the U.S., with FAX numbers and mail or e-mail addresses
- List of Ministers of the 36th Parliament (CANADA)
- List of Members of the House of Commons, 36th Parliament, by Province and Constituency (CANADA)
- List of the Committees of the House of Representatives (U.S.)
- Mailing Addresses of the Members of the House of Representatives (U.S.)
- List of the Members of the House of Representatives, by State and District (U.S.)