The MAI will put the $QUEEZE on Canada

It's called the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, or MAI.

The MAI is being quietly negotiated through the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a club of 29 rich countries -- with no debate or input from citizens of these countries. The MAI is a bill of rights for investors only, a coup d'état against democracy everywhere. The World Trade Organization boasts, "we are writing the constitution of a single global economy."1 All countries would be coerced into joining the MAI.p10

What would the MAI do?

How does big business justify the MAI?
The MAI claims to seek the "improvement of living standards."p9 This might be so if, for instance, foreign investors abided by "performance requirements" that encourage job creation or local investment. But the MAI bans such requirements.p18 Instead, it requires that we give investors virtually unconditional access to our markets.p14

Does our government want this treaty?
Yes, but MPs are not being fully informed. The government is not consulting Parliament.4 Instead it claims "there is no agreement," that it's only preliminary discussions. In fact, the MAI was almost ratified in May. Now it is delayed one year to deal with dissenting OECD countries. These may be excluded to ensure a "high standard" treaty, then later pressured to sign on. Signatories are locked in for 20 years.p94

You can help! Ask questions, break the secrecy.

SOURCES: 1. Preamble Collaborative (US); 2. CCPA Monitor, Apr 97; 3. The Corporate Rule Treaty, Tony Clarke, CCPA Apr 97; 4. Canadian Forum, Apr 97; 5. Guardian Weekly (UK) 15 Apr 97. Updated Monday, August 18, 1997. "P" no.'s are from the confidential draft MAI: Consolidated Text and Summary, 13 May 97 (see our website.)

The MAI-Not! Project, OPIRG-Carleton
(Ontario Public Interest Research Group)
1125 Colonel By Drive, Room 326 Unicentre, Carleton University, Ottawa ON K1S 5B6
Tel (613) 520-2757, fax (613) 520-3989    Usenet newsgroup flora.mai-not